How delete single mails from the mail queue of postfix (PLESK)

If you like to delete mails from the mail queue of postfix on a given pattern (from/sender email) you can use this command:

postqueue -p | grep "name@sender.toplevel" | cut -f 1 -d ' ' | xargs -n 1 postsuper -d


  • postqueue -p you’ll get the queue.
  • grep just selects the line with the sender AND the message id.
  • cut extracts the message id.
  • xargs/postsuper will delete the message

Plesk: mysql admin password

Since Version 10 it’s possible that the password of the mysql database of Plesk is, well they call it encrypted. This is basically fine, but may can run you in some trouble. For example if you like to install you own global phpMyAdmin installation and then try to log in as admin.

You’ll first try will be to use the same password as you will use when log in to Plesk. That will not work! Then you’ll may step over the ssh shell and type in

cat /etc/psa/.psa.shadow

This will give you something like


Yeah … that looks like the password is encrypted. As Plesk admin you know an other way to get the password

/usr/local/psa/bin/admin --show-password

This will output the password you already tried. Then you’ll dig around the internet and may find this cmd

mysql -uadmin -p`cat /etc/psa/.psa.shadow`

And … it’s working! You get access to mysql. Hmm … now you’re may a bit confuse. But thing about it. If you want to access your mysql database outside of Plesk you have to use the whole output of

cat /etc/psa/.psa.shadow

as password! Even if it look like it’s encrypted. This is your database password!

If you don’t like to have such a super long password and can live with a plain text password in the file /etc/psa/.psa.shadow you can change it back. But remember to repeat this every time you change the password via the Plesk panel 🙂

/usr/local/psa/bin/init_conf -u -passwd 'some_password' -plain-password

Alternative you can add an other user with full admin rights to your database.

Plesk: Get password of an email account

As server admin you are sometimes in the need to know the password of an email address. Plesk is making this very easy. Just run this command and you’ll get a list of all mail accounts of your server. Also the plain text password of the accounts are shown 🙂


Of course of have to adjust the path to your Plesk installation.

Typo3: „Cannot find tslib“ and „Lock file could not be created“

Recently I had to move my Typo3 Installation from one server to new one. It should be easy to move. However the reality is another one 😉 In specialty if you are using Plesk.

After I used the MigrationManager of Plesk the site wasn’t running. I got the message

Cannot find tslib/. Please set path by defining $configured_tslib_path in index.php.

A quick search showed up that the symbolic link of the global typo3 installation isn’t working. I’ve checked that but it was correct. But then I got an idea: The old installation was running on Plesk Version 9 and the new one on Version 11. In Version 9 you hat to the open_basedir youself via the vhost.conf file. Since Version 11 you can (and have to) do this via the web interface. So I changed the php setting of the subscription to {WEBSPACEROOT}/:{TMP}/:/srv/typo3 (where /srv/typo3 is the path to my global Typo3 installation) and I got a step further.

Next try to load the site. After a while just a blank page showed up. Quick view into the error_log show this message

Lock file could not be created
Exception thrown in file ...

This is an easy one: Just adjusted the permissions of you typo3temp directory and everything went fine.

Typo3 cli_dispatch.phpsh scheduler Exception ‚localconf.php is not found!‘

After a system update or something else it may happen you get an Exception of your Typo3 Installation. It’s not always the main site but can also could be your „cron“ scripts (cli_dispatch.phpsh)

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'localconf.php is not found!' in ../t3lib/config_default.php:707
Stack trace:
#0 ../typo3/sysext/cms/tslib/index_ts.php(128): require()
#1 ../index.php(84): require('...')
#2 {main} thrown in ../t3lib/config_default.php on line 707


Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'localconf.php is not found!' in ../t3lib/config_default.php:707
Stack trace:
#0 .../typo3/init.php(206): require()
#1 .../typo3/index.php(63): require('...')
#2 {main} thrown in .../t3lib/config_default.php on line 707

Of course the line numbers could be different 😉
So …. what’s the problem? It so simple that you just forget how you solved it the last time. „Last time? I don’t remember that there was a last time!?“. But you did!
Just check the php.ini and ensure that safe_mode = Off is set. Furthermore check the open_basedir setting. Ensure that (when used at all) all needed directories are set.

Typo3: indexed_search and external files (like pdf, doc …)

I’ve tried to get indexed_search in Typo3 to work. If you try to do this the first time it isn’t really easy.

After the basic setup the normal search was fine. However external documents like pdf and winword were not being indexed. Of course I’ve installed the needed tools and checked the path to them many times. Sure I’ve check if that these tools (pdftotext, catdoc) are running fine on command line.

But it took me hours to realize why it wasn’t running after all. The open_basedir restriction of php!
The extension indexed_search first checks if the program exists via the is_file method. If you installed the programs to the default path /usr/bin you are in trouble now. It’s no problem to execute the program via php but the function is_file will fail. So indexed_search thinks it’s not install and will not index pdf or any other external files.

Now you’ve several options. First of all you could add /usr/bin to the open_basedir path. Not a good idea at all! Second you could modify the extension not to check the files but just run the programs. Not so good either since it will break after an update of your Typo3 installation. Third of all you could copy the programs to your existing open_basedir path. Then adjust the configuration of indexed_search where to find the programs and it’s working like a charm …

Typo3 and log_setTSlogMessage

While trying to get indexed_search in Typo3 to work I’ve discoverd a lot of log_setTSlogMessage functions in the code. I ask myself where to find the output of these function. I digged around and found a reference to $GLOBAL['TT']. Ok. Not much better. Again I had to dig around. Finally I got a simple answer: The Admin Panel! 🙂
So just enable the admin panel and go to TypoScript and enable Display messages. Reload the page and you’ll the logs.


After installing the pear pecl extensions I got a strange error:
PHP Startup: apc.shm_size now uses M/G suffixes, please update your ini files in Unknown on line 0

This problem is very easy to fix. Ensure that you php.ini contains apc.shm_size=128M and NOT apc.shm_size=128. The M makes the differences.

Plesk and „qq trouble in home directory“

After upgrading Plesk from an old, but working, 8.6.0 to a recent version everything worked fine afterwards. Then I did the „mistake“ and enabled the build-in greylisting feature. Out of sudden I wasn’t able to send a mail anymore. I got a „qq trouble in home directory“ error message.

Hmm … Bad!. Ok. First I checked the permissions of the qmail installation. All fine. So I searched around. A lot of people out there are having the same problem. It’s the greylisting feature! Plesk qmail thinks we are an extern sender and routes even local domains through the greylist. Bump!

So you may think: „A lot of people are having the same problem, so there is a quick solution!“. Nope – There isn’t! It take some a lot of hours to find a solution by myself. At all it’s easy – if you know how 🙂

So what to do? Since Plesk Version 9.0 you can choose your MTA between qmail and postfix. However the postfix implementation is causing more problems then the qmail one. So I still use qmail. Via the autoinstaller script of Plesk you can easily switch between these two MTAs. And that’s was the solution of my qmail „qq trouble in home directory“ problem.
Start the autoinstaller /usr/local/psa/admin/bin/autoinstaller. On the component list choose Postfix mailserver and continue. The script will uninstall the qmail mailserver and install the postfix mailserver. All current mails will keep in place. So don’t worry (however a backup is always and every time a good idea :-)). The completion of the script takes several minutes. After that do the same thing but select Qmail mailserver. For me it worked fine and the „qq trouble in home directory“ error was gone.

Quick ToDo:

  • Start /usr/local/psa/admin/bin/autoinstaller
  • Select Postfix mailserver as mailserver
  • Finish the installation
  • Start /usr/local/psa/admin/bin/autoinstaller
  • Select Qmail mailserver as mailserver
  • Finish the installation
  • Done

How to speed up page rendering?

Today just a shorty: Enable gzip!

When using php set output_handler = ob_gzhandler. So every php request will be compressed.

Also you can use the defalte module of you apache2. In that case javascript, pure html and css will also be compressed.

  • activate the module a2enmod deflate
  • add some lines to you configureation (vhost or globle whatever you want) (global in this case)
    <Location />
    <IfModule mod_deflate.c>
    AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/plain text/xml text/php text/css text/js text/javascript text/javascript-x application/javascript application/x-javascript text/x-js
  • Don’t forget to restart the server! Do not just reload the configuration!

PS: To check the content-type on a linux command line of a web page try
lynx -head -dump
PPS: Website to check the state of compression:
PPS: Here is another website to check: (Tip by a reader of the blog)