Monthly Archives: Juni 2024

Using centos 6 (with Plesk) after end of life (EOL)

If you are in need to install some software on a (very) system, these may helps:
First of all use an archive version of plesk packaged:

plesk installer --source

Furthermore use need to update the source of your system packaged. This is a very good blob post about that: Thanks!

Just to be clear: Update as soon as possible to a modern system!

Windows 11 AutoStart Apps delays very long after boot

If you have the problem that after a restart you have to wait 1 or 2 minutes before the systems starts the AutoStart Apps/Programs, you may have success with this method.

Add/modify your registery with these values

Most likely, you have to create these keys, since they do not exist by default.

„WaitForIdleState“ seems to be the reason for the issue. Somehow, the system will wait for an idle state before continuing to start the Apps. Depending on your system configuration, it can take a while until this happens 🙂