If you like to improve the search experience of you website you may want to add a rich card. One of these rich cards are the breadcrumbs. First, you need to decide which format you like: microdata or JSON-LD.
These snippets will generate a microdata that you can also use as your standard breadcrumb:
lib.richcard_breadcrumb { special = rootline special.range = 1 | 7 wrap = <ol itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/BreadcrumbList"> | </ol> 1 = TMENU 1 { NO.ATagParams = itemprop="item" NO.allWrap =<li itemprop="itemListElement" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/ListItem">|</li> NO.stdWrap.wrap = <span itemprop="name">|</span> NO.after.cObject = COA NO.after.cObject { 5 = TEXT 5.dataWrap = <meta itemprop="position" content="{register:count_MENUOBJ}|" /> } } }
If you do not want to show a breadcrumb or like the JSON-LD more just use this code:
lib.richcard_breadcrumb = HMENU lib.richcard_breadcrumb { special = rootline special.range = 1 | 7 wrap = { "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "BreadcrumbList", "itemListElement": | ] } 1 = TMENU 1 { NO.allWrap = [ || ,| NO.doNotLinkIt = 1 NO.stdWrap.wrap = { "@type": "ListItem", "item": { | } NO.stdWrap.cObject = COA NO.stdWrap.cObject { 10 = TEXT 10 { stdWrap.typolink.parameter.field = uid stdWrap.typolink.forceAbsoluteUrl = 1 stdWrap.typolink.returnLast = url htmlSpecialChars = 1 wrap = "@id": "|", } 20 = TEXT 20 { field = title wrap = "name": "|" } } NO.after.cObject = COA NO.after.cObject { 5 = TEXT 5.dataWrap = ,"position": {register:count_MENUOBJ} | } } } }